Membership Terms & Conditions
November 2024
These Terms and Conditions (“Terms”) are a contract between you(“Member”) and Linvite Hospitality L.L.C (“L’invité” and maybe referred to as“us” or “we”), and govern your access to and use of L’invité membership and theL’invité App (“App”) (“Membership”) including any products, activities,experiences, events or services made available through the Membership(collectively, “Services”). Please read these Terms carefully. By installing,accessing and/or using our App or Services of L’invité, you agree to theseTerms. If you do not agree with these Terms, you must notify the L’invité teamwithin the first 14 days of subscribing to the Membership.
1.1. To apply for themembership, you may be required to provide some mandatory and some personaldetails such as your name, mobile number, email address, date of birth, maritalstatus, nationality, job title, industry, monthly income/net worth, and anyother information requested by us. We may also,using publicly available information, vet members to ensure they are both eligibleand suitable for the L’invité community.
1.2. You confirm that all the information includingpersonal details provided to L’invité is, and will be, true and accurate.
1.3. You may not use a pseudonym or alias. Misleading orfalse information is sufficient reason for us to terminate your application andrevoke your membership. You agree that L’invité will have no liability arising from any informationthat is incorrectly verified.
2.1. We don’t offer trials or discounts on the membershippackages; however, we have a different pricing structure for those under 30years of age. If you are claiming this discount, we will calculate your agebased on your date of birth set by you in your profile, but we may request apassport or id copy as proof of your identity and age. Under 30s discount willcease to be applicable once you pass your 30th birthday.
2.2. You agree that you will not disclose your logindetails and password to any other person or allow any other person to use yourmembership.
2.3. The digital membership card and L’invité App remainthe property of L’invité and are deemed invalid upon expiry or cancellation.Misuse of membership cards or membership benefits may result in termination ofmembership or withdrawal of privileges without any refund.
2.4. Membershipcards are not transferable and may only be used by each member to whom the cardis issued to. L’invité will use reasonable efforts to notify members of anychanges in Services, Membership Structure or Partnership base, however, it maynot always be possible. Any use of the membership by a member will be deemed asacceptance of any amendment. L’invité will not be liable for loss or damageresulting there from.
3.1. By subscribing to our membership program,you agree to pay the recurring subscription fee at the interval specified whenyou signed up. The payment will be charged automatically to the payment methodyou provided, until you cancel your subscription, to ensure that yourmembership is always up to date and active.
3.2. Your use of themembership is conditional on your payment in full of the membership fees eithermonthly or upfront annual subscription payment.
3.3. In case, wherethe membership payment doesn’t go through due to lack of funds or insufficientfunds or deliberate cancellation, it is the members responsibility to provideor update the new payment details. Deliberate cancellation of membership bycancelling card payments would be in breach of the minimum membership contractand considered as a Default. Failed payment cannot be deemed as automaticcancellation and any cancellation outside the minimum membership duration of 12 months will have to be requested in writing with a minimum of one (1) month’snotice.
3.4. If there is a paymentdefault, we will wait 1 month for the account to be brought up to date. We willthen issue a warning and provide a week’s notice before canceling themembership due to the Default. If there is a default, the re-installation ofthe membership will be on a case-by-case basis and L’invité management mayrefuse the rejoining request. If re-admitted into the membership post anycooling-off period, there will be an penalty charge of AED1000 plus therequirement to the pay the full outstanding amount.
3.5. For incorrectinvoicing or over-invoicing, a refund would be provided to the same credit ordebit card as soon as the error has been discovered by us or notified to us.
3.6. If L’invité stopsoperating or is not a going concern anymore, the Members will be entitled to canceltheir subscription charge even if they are still under the Subscriptioncontract term.
3.7. Membership Fees & Structure may changefrom time to time. We will inform you of any potential changes in Fees &Structure at least 30 days before the expiry of your then-current SubscriptionTerm.
Subscription fees are non-refundable,except as required by law.
4.1. Cancellationsrequested by Members: You may anytime request membership cancellationsubject to below cancellation notice period and policy. As a standard notice,we require 1 months’ notice for membership cancellation. Once your membershipis cancelled, the app access will also be cancelled.
4.1.1. Annual Upfront Payment Memberships
· First 12 months: No cancellation or refunds allowed.
· Post first 12 months: Cancellationallowed with 1 months’ notice prior to the start of the new annual term. Nopartial refunds are allowed if the membership is cancelled during any givenannual term.
4.1.2. Annual Monthly Payment Memberships
· During the minimum contractual term: No cancellation during the minimum term of 12 monthsis allowed unless extraordinary circumstances such as serious health issues, permanentlymoving to countries where L’invité doesn’t offer services, or loss ofemployment/ income which must be proven by documentation. If valid proof ofcancellation is not provided, there will be an early cancellation penalty forthe remaining contractual months.
· Post the minimum contractual term: Cancellation, once the the initial minimum commitment term of 12 monthsis complete, is allowed anytime with 1 months’ notice. No partial refunds are allowedif membership is canceled through any given month.
4.2. Cancellations by L’invité
4.2.1. If L’invitécancels your Membership due to misconduct or inappropriate behavior, it mayresult in a permanent cancellation based on internal L’invité managementdiscretion. There will be no refunds on the already paid annual subscription orpast monthly fees. We shall cancel your subscription charge from the followingbilling cycle regardless of whether the Subscription contract term has expiredor not.
4.2.2. If L’invité cancels your Membership due to otherreasons such as not being a mutual fit within the network. We shall cancel yoursubscription charge from the following billing cycle regardless of whether theSubscription contract term has expired or not. There will be partial pro-raterefunds on the already paid annual subscription for the remainder of the annualterm.
4.2.3. L'invité is committed to fostering a safe and reputable community for its members. If it is discovered that a member has been the subject of negative press involving criminal allegations or charges, as reported by a reputable media outlet, or if multiple credible complaints are received from other members concerning the member’s background or behaviour, L'invité reserves the right to terminate the membership. Such actions may be taken at the sole discretion of L'invité to safeguard the integrity and values of the community. In such cases, L'invité ensures that all matters will be handled with the utmost confidentiality to protect the privacy of all parties involved. Additionally, in the event of membership termination under this clause, no partial membership fee refund will be provided.
4.3. Membership Suspension by Members
4.3.1. No suspension orpauses allowed unless extraordinary circumstances such as serious health issuesor loss of employment/ income, which must be proven by documentation.
4.3.2. If valid proof (such as serious health issues,permanently moving to countries where L’invité doesn’t offer services, or lossof employment/ income) of cancellation or suspension is not provided, therewill be an early cancellation penalty for the remaining months.
4.4. Membership Suspension by L’invité
4.4.1. If L’invité suspendsyour Membership due to misconduct or inappropriate behavior, which may resultin a temporary suspension, there will not be a hold on the membership feesduring the suspension period.
5.1. If a member has cancelledtheir membership and would like to re-join, there is a ‘Cooling off Period’ of6 months. To re-join within the 3 months of cancellation, then there will be aAED1000 fees to rejoin and L’invité management may refuse the rejoining request,but there will not be a full review of the application.
5.2. If a member hascancelled their membership and would like to re-join after 6 months of ‘Cooling-offPeriod’, they will be subject to same policy and pricing as if they werejoining like a new member. There may be also a full review of the applicationand L’invité acceptance criteria will apply.
6.1. L’invité will use reasonable efforts to notifymembers of any changes in Services, Membership Structure or Partnership base.Any use of the membership by a member will be deemed as an acceptance of anyamendment. L’invité will not be liable for loss or damage resulting there from.
6.2. If you do notwish to renew your membership upon expiry of your current minimum term, themember is required to request cancellation in accordance with the CancellationPolicy as seen in Clause 5 of this agreement.
6.3. Your membershipis valid for the selected duration of the membership term from the date when itis granted or renewed. Membership will renew automatically upon expiry of theSubscription Term, unless notified in advance as mentioned in Clause 5.
6.4. If while you arein a current Membership and wish to upgrade your Membership to a higher Tier ofMembership, then the difference in price between the two categories ofMembership will be added to your monthly subscription or payable on a pro ratabasis of the remaining term of the annual subscription.
6.5. We reserve theright to refuse to grant, revoke, or renew membership at our sole discretionand for any reason. We are under no obligation to provide reasons for ouracceptance, revocation or refusal of any application or renewal.
7.1. We wish to havea friendly and secure community for our Members. When using the membership, ourmembers have the expectation of privacy and confidentiality. We are a communityof global diversity, with Members from many different cultures and countries.Expectations and behavior will be equally diverse, so to help provide acomfortable environment for all members, we expect mutual respect from all ourmembers.
7.2.You may notmonitor, data-mine, or copy our web pages or any content within our website orApp, nor collect, archive, trade or sell any personal data or communicationsabout other members.
7.3.We want to keepthe L’invité network free from intrusions. You may not send or distributeunsolicited or unauthorized advertising, promotional materials, junk mail,chain letters, spam, pyramid schemes, or any other type of solicitation toother members, nor will you harass or unreasonably disturb any other member.
7.4. You cannot postcontent or initiate any communications that we consider libelous, scandalous,abusive, obscene, discriminatory, unlawful or otherwise objectionable. Thisincludes content or statements that you may make online on a page, account orgroup hosted by a third-party website, such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter orLinkedIn, as well as offline at any L’invité event. Doing so could result intermination of your membership.
8.1. L’invitéPartners may require you to present your Digital L’invité Membership Card andvalid photo identification to verify L’invité membership and redeem privileges. The L’invité Card has notransactional capability and cannot be used to pay in cash or non-cash.
8.2. L’invité MemberPrivileges are not transferable and can only be availed exclusively bysubscribed L’invité members and their guests. Misuse of access to privileges orattempts to share or transfer privileges with other non-members without beingpresent at the venue yourself, may result in termination of the membership.
8.3. L’invité has theright to add, modify or eliminate any Member Privileges at any time. You acceptthat some L’invité Partners may make privileges unavailable during certainperiods – please check specific details for each venue under Member Privilegeson the App. We will not be liable if for any reason the Services areunavailable at any time or for any period for reasons beyond our control.
8.4. You agree toabide by L’invité Partners’ terms and policies, including but not limited topayment of all amounts when due, compliance with restrictions or rulesregarding door policy, availability and occupancy, cancellation policies, childpolicies, pet policies or use of fares, products or services.
8.5. You accept thatany violation of a L’invité Partner’s rules, restrictions, policies or termsmay result in cancellation of your redemption of privileges, denial of accessto the venue and services, forfeiting any payments made for such benefits.
8.6. L’invité shallnot be liable hereunder by reason of any failure or delay in the performance ofits obligations hereunder on account of biological outbreaks, shortages,insurrection, fires, flood, storm, explosions, acts of God, war, governmentalaction, labour conditions, earthquakes or any other cause which is beyond thereasonable control of L’invité.
9.1. L’invitémembership benefits include providing private networking opportunities as wellas procuring bookings for restaurants, bars/lounges, nightclubs, beach clubs,events, and experiences plus providing exclusive privileges at some of theselocations (“Services”). However, the Services provided are always evolving andthe structure and nature of the Services may change in the future.
9.2. L’invité hasnegotiated enhanced Services for its members, however, cannot guarantee theservice levels of the venues and it is strongly recommended that members relayany negative experience at the partner venues through the feedback section ofthe app or by emailing L’invité Team at ‘’.
9.3. All members’reservations requested should be made through the App for reservations of 24hours or more in advance. Last minute or reservations of less than 2 hours inadvance could be made through a direct email request or message through the Appor by directly contacting the lifestyle managers through phone call orWhatsApp. Members turning up at the venues without prior reservations will notbe guaranteed a reservation.
9.4. L’invité shalluse its reasonable endeavors to fulfil the members requests as soon as possibleand time should be of the essence. L’invité will ensure its best endeavors tosecure reservations or requests for the times/dates requested but by no meanscan guarantee the 100% fulfilment of these requests.
9.5. Members mustcancel their reservations if they are unable to attend. L’invité reserves theright to deny restaurant requests from Members if Members repeatedly fail tohonor their bookings or continuously violate cancellation policies.
10.1. Attendance atL’invité member events is strictly by guest list only, it’s a member’s duty toRSVP on the app in a timely manner including the number of guests they would bebrining to the event, to ensure the their name on the guest list.
10.2. The dress policy is smart chic with no sports caps/hats,trainers or shorts.
10.3. Please respect other members and any misappropriationwill not be tolerated. We want each member to feel secure and free in afriendly environment.
Please refer to each event for theguest policy and charges, which vary from event to event and also by membershiptier.
11.1. Purpose for collecting, using, and sharing thePersonal Information:
· To administer yourmembership with us;
· To personalise yourprofile to help connect you with other like-minded members;
· To personalise ourcommunications with our concierge team;
· To fulfill ourbusiness relationship with you, including processing, confirming, andfulfilling your reservations and orders.
· To conduct analyticsto inform our marketing strategies;
· To improve ourservices and products and your browsing experience;
· For our everydaybusiness purposes, in accordance with the law, such as for legal and regulatorycompliance, security and fraud detection, and/or to enforce our rights.
11.2. We will keepyour Personal Information only for as long as is reasonably necessary for thepurposes outlined above, or for the duration required by any legal, regulatory,accounting or reporting requirements, whichever is the longer. In particular,we retain membership records for six years after expiration or termination ofyour membership. To determine the appropriate retention period for yourPersonal Information, we consider the amount, nature, and sensitivity of thePersonal Information, the purposes for which we process your PersonalInformation, applicable legal requirements or operational retention needs, andwhether we can achieve those purposes through other means. Upon expiry of theapplicable retention period we will securely destroy your Personal Informationin accordance with applicable laws and regulations.
11.3. To provide youbespoke concierge services and a personalised in-app experience, we may requestto complete your profile including some mandatory and some personal andprofessional details such as full name, age, job title, profession andinterests – these details are used to match & connect you with other like-mindedmembers and also in search when other members search you based on criteria suchas industry, interests, etc. If you would like to have your Profile private,you can change your settings under your Profile on the app and you will not bevisible or searchable by other members.
11.4. We also requestyour photo access for following usage: to have a personalised profile on theapp and when members search you, they can see who you are, be able to sendphotos to one another in the peer-to-peer messaging, and also be able to share photosof requests and confirmations with our concierge team. If you would like tohave your Profile private, you can change your settings under your Profile onthe app and you will not be visible or searchable by other members.
11.5. Your app initialaccount creation will be created by us and at the first log-in you will be ableto complete your profile. We will send you app login details when you become amember and at the first login you can change your password. The app account can’tbe deleted within the app and we will do that manually based on membershipnotice period and cancellation policy so, if you would like to cancel themembership and delete the app account, please reach out to your relationshipmanager or Concierge chat service within the app.
11.6. To best accessthe app functionality in its entirety, your mobile Location services must beturned on. If you deliberately not allow location sharing then it may limit thefull functionality of the app.
11.7. Except withL’invité prior written consent, you may not, directly or indirectly, use the L’inviténame in connection with any event, whether such event is held within thecommunity or outside.
11.8. You accept thatL’invité may post photographs showing you at official L’invite networkingEvents, on the L’invité app or any of its social media pages, which may bevisible therefore be available to non-members.
11.9. We accept thePrivacy concern that it may cause for some members, and we are careful in theselection of photos that maybe seen as personal and could be deemed to beunprofessional. However, if you would like to opt out of any videos ormarketing, please let us know and we will make a note of it. You can also setyour privacy policy during the new member registration and under your Profileon the app.
12.1. Inappropriate orabusive behavior either at member events, on the app or social media towardsother L’invité members or L’invité employees may result in a disciplinaryaction or a potential termination of the membership. We take the followingmatters seriously and request members to respect other fellow members:
12.1.1. Harassment and Discomfort: All members must conductthemselves in a manner that promotes comfort and inclusivity. Any behavior thatmakes another member feel uncomfortable, harassed, abused, or threatened willnot be tolerated.
12.1.2. Social Media: Members engaging in any negative socialmedia activity that negatively impacts the reputation of L’invité or any of itsmembers. This includes, but is not limited to, the posting of derogatory ordefamatory comments, photographs, or any other material that could harm thecommunity or individual members.
By subscribing to our membership program and loggingonto our app, you agree to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Please readthese documents carefully.
Questions regarding this agreement,complaints or feedback should be directed to our email: or through the L’invité App.